Faculty Advisor Roles & Responsibilities
As a staff member of the university academic community and SPE, the Faculty Advisor (FA) provide a communications link between the student chapter (SC), the university & the SPE section sponsoring the program. (The term Faculty Advisor is interchangeable with Faculty Sponsor. An FA can become one of your chapter’s most valuable assets, if he/she is utilized to their fullest potential, the students will forge a strong relationship with a member of faculty who will share their success and act as a resource when needed. The FA should be seen as the mainstay of the Chapter, representing continuity from year to year as chapter members change. It is the FA who transmits attitudes, values and behavioral norms to the students. He/she must create an environment of trust, open communication, creative thinking, cohesive team effort, in which the chapter can perform independently and effectively.
Faculty Advisor (FA) must exhibit enthusiasm and interest in the group and its activities, as well as be open to feedback from the members (be available and accessible). It is the FA who counsels officers on plans and operations, attends meetings, provides motivation and inspiration, and offers information and general guidance. The FA must be genuinely engaged and committed to the success of the SC in order to be able to generate a values structure (excellence, integrity, professionalism, life long learning, diversity, volunteerism, innovation, social responsibility) and transmit it with passion, in order to form and inspire the SPE vision in SC members and leaders. see www.spe.org for more information.
For more information about chapters, visit www.spe.org/chapters/com.php